Bill Culbert: Incident in Marlowe's Office


Text created ahead of the 1996/1997 Exhibitions in Avignon, France. Incident in Marlowe’s Ofiice & Musee Calvet.

Text in French only.

Author/s: Eric Gounelle & Pierre Provoyeur.

Soft Cover.

88 Pages.

14 x 21 cm.

Published 1996, Entree 9 editions.

ISBN: 2-911303-02-4

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Text created ahead of the 1996/1997 Exhibitions in Avignon, France. Incident in Marlowe’s Ofiice & Musee Calvet.

Text in French only.

Author/s: Eric Gounelle & Pierre Provoyeur.

Soft Cover.

88 Pages.

14 x 21 cm.

Published 1996, Entree 9 editions.

ISBN: 2-911303-02-4

Text created ahead of the 1996/1997 Exhibitions in Avignon, France. Incident in Marlowe’s Ofiice & Musee Calvet.

Text in French only.

Author/s: Eric Gounelle & Pierre Provoyeur.

Soft Cover.

88 Pages.

14 x 21 cm.

Published 1996, Entree 9 editions.

ISBN: 2-911303-02-4